Monday, November 2, 2015

Days of our Lives Alert

As we all know that Ben is the Necktie Serial Killer who's setting up Chad for murder. During his last confrontation with Clyde, Ben confesses that he's the one who strangled those women and Will. As time goes on, Chad breaks into the apartment to confront Ben that he's the one who killed those women, try to kill Marlena, and his best friend Will. In the end, Ben beats Chad to a pulp resulting a fractured skull and going into a coma.
 Monday, Abigail finally learns that she been sleeping with the enemy and the answers she has been looking for to prove Chad's innocence has been in front of her the whole time. Abigail uncovers evidence on Ben's phone that ties him to the Necktie Killer. When Ben realizes Abigail has been snooping on his phone, his obsessive "love" for her spirals out of control. Instead of using his obsession to kill, Ben kidnaps Abigail and takes her to the Horton Cabin. While tied up, Abigail tries to escape from Madman Ben and safe her unborn baby from harm. Will Ben end up killing Abigail like his other victims?

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