Sunday, December 20, 2015

Dec. 14 - Dec. 18 Recap

Hope arrested for murder?

Did Hope shoot Dr. Malcolm or is someone setting her up?

Chad comforts Abigail after traumatizing event

While having flashbacks of the night Ben to her hostage and confessing about murders. Chad takes her to a suite while her son spends the night at the hospital for treatment.

Theresa and Brady and the apartment

Theresa and Brady start their new lives in a new apartment with Tate.

Eduardo reveals John in danger


John learns that Winterthorne Academy is a cover, but more a school to train orphan kids how to become assassins.

Andre beings his evil plans

Days Recap: John finds Marlena unconscious image 

In the basement of the DiMera mansion, Andre brainwashes Chad to break up with Abigail and seduce Belle in order to find out what Sami did with the money that she stole.

Phillip in town

Days Recap: Philip goes against Victor's orders as Hope is forced to give up the formula image
Phillip goes against his father's orders and goes through with his plans on the formula.

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